Recently the new edition v1.5 of Thea Render was presented. New features introduced are mostly related to the material system.

thea render 3ds max

All the functionality from Thea Render is fully integrated into 3dsmax through Thea for 3dsMax render plugin. All possibilities of Thea material system are here, while access to Thea Material editor is also available for user convenience. All lights types, render configuration settings, darkroom or render channels can be created or configured inside the host application.

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Fully integrated interactive render (IR) engine can be used as floating window or as an extended viewport. Any changes on materials, lights or cameras are reflected instantly on the IR viewport. Geometry changes and object creation and deletion are considered as well. The IR can be used to preview exposure, DOF or any tonemap settings applied from darkroom tab.

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Material converter makes easier for the user to change the render engine in a finished scene to Thea Render. It is compatible with several render engines and can convert also lights and cameras in most cases. In case of animated lights or cameras, animation keys are also copied to new cameras or lights. Procedural textures included in 3ds Max can be rendered and assigned as images in an automated way.

thea render

Full information can be found on the developers’ website here

Full information about the Render v1.5 and it’s integration to other 3d software can be found here