The 23rd edition of animago Award 2019 is coming up and submission for 3D animation projects, visual effects, design and videogames is open now!
Submissions are possible until June, 30th 2019 and are completely free of charge. Submitted projects are reviewed and evaluated by an independent jury comprising renowned experts from the industry. In the new category “Best In-Game-Graphics” graphics are evaluated as they appear in the actual game – not in pre-rendered sequences. Special attention is paid to character design, animation, game flow and the realism of movement. In the “Best Still” category, the winner out of three nominees will be determined by an online public vote. The final winner of the “Best Still” category will be determined by an online public vote.
The ten categories of animago Award 2019:
- Best In-Game Graphics
- Best Visual Effects
- Best Game Cinematic
- Best Short Film
- Best Advertising Production
- Best Character
- Best Young Production (€3000 prize money sponsored by Digital Production)
- Jury’s Prize
- Best Motion Design
- Best Still (determined by public voting)
Submit your CG project for animago Award 2019 here, read full submission guidelines here.
As a media partner of animago Award, 3D Architettura will closely follow the competition and eventually, as always, we will publish the interview with one of the winners of this year.
Read our interview with Stefan Larsson, winner of the best Architecture Film category on animago Award 2016 with the project “Spatial bodies”.

Read our interview with Marek Denko, winner of animago Award 2017 in Best Still category with his project “Her Eventual Hesitation”.
Read our interview with ValentinStudio, winners of Best Architecture Visualization Prize on animago Award 2017.

Read our interview with Alexander Beim, winner of the Best Still category on animago Award 2018 with his project, “Albert Einstein”.