“We’ve focused on heterogeneous media; the first steps in V-Ray compatibility; around 110 new materials in the Material Library; the Corona Official Toolbar; overall reduction in memory requirements; a LOT of bug fixes; and stability & workflow improvements!” – this way the release was introduced by the developers of Render Legion.

  • Support for heterogeneous media shading: Corona Renderer now supports Phoenix FD, FumeFX, OpenVDB, and 3ds Max texture maps. This includes full support for multi-bounce GI inside the volumes and motion blur to render smoke, fire and liquids.

Corona Renderer 2

  • CoronaVolumeGrid (OpenVDB support): CoronaVolumeGrid object allows to set Absorption, Scattering and Emission properties for the VolumeGrid. These properties can be driven by the density, velocity, temperature, and other extra data contained within the OpenVDB file.

  • CoronaVolume material to render actual volumes inside objects, rather than just calculating the result at the surface of the object. It can work with native 3ds Max noise maps, in Object or World XYZ mode, which calculate noise in 3D space.

  • Support for VRayLight and VRayMtl to render V-Ray assets without V-Ray installed

  • Corona Camera  with advanced Bokeh controls for Center Bias, Vignetting and Anisotropy

  • 110 new materials in the Material Library

And this is just a small part of the new features and improvements, the full description of which you can find in the Corona Renderer Blog here

Download the Corona Renderer you can following the link here