My favourite project is a private modern house. It excited my creativity because this house was developped in lengh so it was like a competition for me to get the best result.It owners gave me the possibility to create the interiors without any restriction so it was like playing a game for me.
In every new work we do, we try to evolve in quality, organization and optimization. We are in a great moment, beginning to act in new places, with new customers and increasing staff.
Институт не вдохновил меня на то, чтобы стать архитектором. Даже наоборот. Но вот делать красивую подачу проектов мне всегда нравилось. И поскольку работать и зарабатывать деньги где-то было надо, то я стал разбираться в визуализации.
90% of my satisfaction comes from customer’s satisfaction :). Both in 3D project or design, architecture and interiors, I give my best for customer satisfaction not just for the quality of the work, but also for the quality of servicing.
I started in the 3D field about 5 years ago. After working with several good companies I had a chance to create my own called Blackhaus that is a group of artists for the creation of high end digital sets.
Помню, как однажды, году так в 2007, я всю ночь до пол-второго утра изучал про ies-свет, потому что совсем не разбирался в интенсивности освещения. И не к кому даже было за помощью обратиться - один на один с интернетом!
Мне посчастливилось вырасти в семье, где все питали огромную любовь к искусству, особенно к живописи и фотографии. Сам я всегда интересовался компьютерной графикой и еще в университете, когда учился на архитектора, стал разбираться в 3d и архитектурной визуализации, поскольку все это имело непосредственное отношение к моей профессии.
I started to become a part of this archviz industry since 2008, when I was a fresh graduate from Visual Communication Design concentration in a State University of Malang, Indonesia
I started to learn 3D when I was at college, but it was merely a modeling class and basic rendering provided by the college. Sooner, I started to feel that "hey, If I can design well but others could not see the way it should be, then my design is just worthless".

Diego Querol

Has been only 5 years ago, quite short period of time but I may say I have been really lucky having the opportunity to be around really talented artists which has made much easier to develop my knowledge.
Every project has its own story to make. I like all of my works, it's difficult to choose which one is my best work...hmm it's like asking to parents "who's your best child?"
To all 3D artist I always suggest consistency, this is the key! Always looking for inspiration, and always enjoy what you are doing in any detail.