Tag: Vray

Mihail Bendus

More difficult the project is, the more interesting it is to make it. The worse design-concept is given by the client, the more challenging is to present it the best way that even the client could not imagine.

Gustavo Tassoniero

Here in Brazil the market is heated, there are times with more and less demand. Marketing activities, and a little creativity when it comes to advertise the product are essential.

Irinel-Ramona Florescu

I never planned to become a 3D artist. I have a degree in architecture, but my greatest passion has always been the interior design. At first 3D modeling was simply a tool to create and present my design solutions, but with time it grew on me and I became interested in it as an art.

Stanislav Orekhov

There is plenty of different information, even too much. And it its abundance one should have a lot of patience for self-education: should be diligent and have a lot of time. The main problem now is not to find information, but to evaluate its quality. How are you going to spend your time and what result will you get?

Bruno da Silva

I started in 2007 with a project for school I did just for fun and I remember that I was fascinated about 3d world.

Mojtaba Yaghoobi

Virtual world is in front of us. Definitely in a near future the paperless world is in approaching us with an avantgard prospective of the future I do believe that 3D work is going to be much more useful than any other skill around its range .

Jan K. Vollmer

The light is in my opinion one of the most important things in the field of 3D. You have to think like a photographer to catch the right moment for that kind of visuals. You could be the greatest modeler on earth, but if you are not able to set the model in a nice light it would not work!

Ilija Todorovic

However if you are trying to maintain high level of quality and respect toward your clients they will repay to you with the same level of gratitude and business will keep on thriving.

Mario Ontiveros

I think my work is still in development stage, so every scene is a little(huge) satisfaction, because in each of them I try to always give a little more effort (a better shader, new lighting solutions, more modeling details, etc


It was in the beginning of year 2010. I was still studying in high-school and started to choose my future profession to enter a university. So I have decided for interior design. While collecting more information about this work-field. I found a web-site where it was written that for making interior renders one should learn 3DS Max. That's how my acquaintance with 3d-graphic began.

Dian Maulidi

90% of my satisfaction comes from customer’s satisfaction :). Both in 3D project or design, architecture and interiors, I give my best for customer satisfaction not just for the quality of the work, but also for the quality of servicing.