Name: Francesco Rega
Age: 36
Job: Freelance designer and 3D artist
Country: Italy

Web site:


3DA: How did you start working in 3D field? How much time has been passed? What kind of studies have you done?
FR: In 2000 I discovered a passion for 3D graphics, and without following any course I learned to use 3D softwares like 3ds Max, Autocad and Photoshop. I studied at the University of Architecture in Naples (Italy), participating in various design competitions and design.
For me, working with 3D graphics has now become not only a passion but a real job.

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3DA: You won a competition on “Vray world” Facebook page. How do you think this could help your work?
What do you think about virtual communities?
FR: I’ve never won an award for my work. I’m in various forums and FB pages, and the only one that has rewarded me is Vray World. To win is important because it gives you the opportunity to be more visible and welknown to the people who deal with the same subject.

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3DA: Which are your favorite software and plugins for your daily projects?
FR: My favorite software I work with are: Autocad architectural design, 3ds Max for modeling and setting the scene, Vray as render engine and for post production I use Adobe cs suite. There also many plugins that I use, the most frequently is multiscatter.

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3DA: Tell us something about a project that gave you great satisfactions
FR: I have done many projects that gave me great satisfactions, but the one I prefer is for an interior design company that makes interiors for churches and communities.
I designed almost all the interiors. The web site of this company is full of renderings made by me:

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3DA: From where do you take inspiration for your artworks?
FR: When I don’t have specific requests, in the case of items of furniture or architectural design, my inspiration comes from the research of sinuous or minimal shapes, depending on the circumstances …My artworks are always characterized by my own creativity.
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3DA: How do you live this period of economic crisis? How is it in your country?
FR: The crisis has hit a bit all sectors, but even so I try to always offer the best, today the architectural representation of both interior and exterior (in the form of render) is increasingly in demand. The difference I noticed compared to ten years ago, is that thanks to the three-dimensional graphics forums and many users who are approaching for the first time to the world of 3d…learn immediately losing less time than those who started years ago. Not having any supported graphics course, I thank especially the forum, made by serious people but especially prepared.

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3DA: What would you suggest to people that are approaching to 3D and architecture?
FR: One piece of advice I can give to anyone who approaches 3D for the first time is: before you start, you have to ask yourself if this 3D field will be first on the right track for a work pay. Sometimes it begins as a joke, like it happened to me, of course if you know the right people with serious business contacts, then it can become a real job.
My future plans are to continue to study in the field of design and3D graphics.

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