What about ArionFX, the ultimate HDR processing filters for Photoshop? We downloaded and gave a try to this amazing plugin for Adobe Photoshop CC and we really enjoyed the standalone interface (like Camera RAW).

It feels strange nobody before thought “why we don’t develop a post production plugin specifically designed for 3D Artists?”. In Random Control’s page we can find a clear product description: “Whether you are a photographer or a CGI artist seeking for advanced HDR tonemapping (in linear workflow without washing out the image, and respecting its full dynamic range), firefly removal, glare, bloom, … ArionFX is a must in your toolchain”.

From the interactive list of features, the more relevant for us were:

  • Real-world camera response operators
  • Histogram stretching and clipping controls
  • Color saturation and white-balance correction
  • Tonemapping operators
  • HDR Despeckler
  • HDR lens effects
  • Color fringe

You can find more information and download a free demo here: www.randomcontrol.com